Watch out for suspicious sellers of roof mount hooks

A lot of Polish photovoltaic components swarm the local market due to various dotation programs ending in Poland and also due to the current photovoltaic boom here in Czechia.

After a detailed inspection we found out that the origin of the goods is questionable.

Not everything is the same when different people make it

Therefore we focused on a comparison of some products which are being sold on the market with a suspiciously low price.

We tested one of these mount hooks and compared it to one of our products, focused mainly on a corrosion test in a salt chamber.


WT WINTECH mount hook HCS5 with light surface corrosion

Hák XY rez

Comparison to a competitor's product


Corrosion resistance is one of the problems

The roof mount hook misses some components for an easy installation and some of the parts are designed from a semi-finished products of smaller sizes. This leads to deformation during installation and to a permament damage to the roof.

Detail háku HCS5 nadstřešní části

Detail of HCS5 WT WINTECH roof mount hook

Detail háku XY nadstřešní části

Detail of competitor's roof mount hook

Both products were placed in a salt chamber for 1500 hours, which is equivalent to six to eight years in real European weather conditions.

The test unveiled that while our product has a slight surface corrosion on the anchor plate, the competitor¨s product has a deep corrosion on the anchor plate and at the roof part as well.

Defomation or construction collapse is not imminent in standard conditions but in case of extreme winds the stability and static aspects can be worsened considerably.

We can do it better

We take the quality of our photovoltaic constructions seriously and therefore our sortiment undergoes a three-stage quality control and only the products which pass through this control enter the market.

Our motto "Quality to succes" is stronger than ever now as confirmed from recent and long-term feedbacks from our customers 

All of the construction elements are made from stainless steel of grade 1.4301 at minimum.

How does the corrosion test work?

Corrosion test in a neutral salt mist ČSN EN ISO 9227 was done in a corrosion chamber Liebisch SKB 400 A-TR, with a concentration of sprayed solution of NaCl (50±5)g/l, at a test temperature of (35±2)°C, and with a fallout of salt solution of 1,5+/-0,5ml/hour (80cm2).

Solná komora Liebisch