New catalog "Components and complete systems for photovoltaic power plants"

We have prepared a new catalog of the SOLAR program for photovoltaic power plant implementers. In the catalog you will find typical goods and components for assembling the structure for your photovoltaic panels. The catalog is conceptually divided into two parts. In the first part you will find the offered components, in the second part you will find installation scenarios for the most typical roofs and roofing materials.

We offer photovoltaic components in the following categories:

Roof hooks are used to attach the structure to a roof made of folded roofing.
Roof brackets are used to attach the structure to a roof with a flat, non-removable roofing.
Anchoring material ensures the connection of photovoltaic power plant components to the supporting structure, i.e. the truss or roof covering.
Supporting profiles are used to bridge the anchor points on the supporting or underlying structure and subsequently connect solar panels.
Panel mounts are aluminum elements used to anchor solar panels to the supporting profiles.
Connecting material and Additional components are used to assemble and finalize the photovoltaic power plant structure.

How to get the catalog

Request a printed catalog from your WT WINTECH sales representative.
You can browse or download the electronic version of the catalog on our website.