Expansion of Kardex warehouse automation

At the end of 2024, we expanded the dispatch warehouse with another automated Kardex Shuttle picking tower. We are responding to the increasing demands of customer requirements and rising costs for warehouse logistics. We expect the investment to result in operational savings, acceleration of the picking process and minimization of downtime.

What is Kardex and how does it help us

Kardex Shuttle are automated picking towers that we use for storing small items and pieces such as bits, drills, tools, angles, fittings or plastic products. Thanks to high storage and high shelf density, we save warehouse space extremely.

Another advantage of Kardex storage systems is the "goods to service" principle and the minimization of downtime during transport. While in the case of conventional racks, the warehouse worker must drive to collect the goods, in the case of Kardex, the goods are picked by machine to one place. The individual towers are connected to a computer that controls the picking process and the delivery of goods in the most appropriate order. In addition, one person can operate multiple Kardexes and reduce picking time even further.

We believe that expanding automation will improve the performance of our logistics so that we can continue to provide the best service to our customers.